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People frequently ask me, do you do SEO? Yes, we do. And it is very important for the success of your brand on the internet.But, what people fail to understand is that SEO is an ongoing process and what you put on your website is just as important as the process of optimisation itself. So, I have put together 5 frequently asked questions about SEO to give a good understanding about it.

1) Three main reasons SEO is integral in today’s world.

Starting a website is like setting up a shop where there is no road. Search engine optimization is like connecting roads to your shop. Search engines and social networks act as a highways that bring in majority of your website visitors. And if your site is properly optimized, it means it has a better chance of being visible in the search result.

In today’s online world ranking 1st or 2nd in google can mean huge difference in business.

2) Five ways you can use SEO in your business to make sure the benefits are maximum.

Most of the business are discovered on the internet these days. If you don’t have an online presence, you are missing out on some big business opportunities. Create your business profile on all relevant platforms especially facebook and google . Keep them active. Use tools like hootsuite to manage all your social media activity from one place. Always interact with people on social media. Keep track of how your business is doing online.

3) How important is SEO for startups and new business?

SEO is one of those thing where small investment you make can have a huge impact on your business.

You don’t necessarily need an expert to optimize your site. Its relatively simple thing to do and spending some time and thought to it can mean a big difference in traffic that comes to your site.

It is even more important for startups and new businesses, where they have very little money to spend on paid ads yet no one knows about their business.

4) Five steps to use SEO for a new company.  Where can one company start? What is the first stop to including SEO in your business?

  1. Talk to your developer about SEO. If you hired a good developer to build your site,  s/he should do it without you bringing it up.
  2. Read about SEO. Its not a rocket science. With a little googling any one can do it.
  3. I think this one goes without saying but first get a website. Online presence is very important for every business these days. 3.5 (Hire a good developer.)
  4. Optimise your site for social networks.
  5. Monitor your sites performance using tools like google analytics (its free).

5) Layman’s tip to SEO. Five things a website should/should not have that is affecting your SEO number.  [spams, keywords and factors influencing SEO]

  1. Make sure all your pages have proper and relevant seo meta tags.
  2. Keywords used in the pages should correspond to the content of the page itself.
  3. If you are also optimizing for facebook, dont forget to include opengraph tags.
  4. Use analytics tools like google analytics to see how your site is doing.

Don’t try to cheat google. Google is really smart at figuring out if a site is trying to rig the search engine (like by adding too many non relevant keywords, or posting spam links all over.) And this is going to have an adverse affect on your page ranking.

At ads! we make sure SEO of all our valued clients is well managed and updated. If you feel we can help you achieve your SEO goals then do let us know. Write to us at info@adsmarket.com.np or call us at 01.4218069.