Tags: #management #team #teamwork
When you drive a team, there are two aspects to it. One thing is you have to make everybody get engaged with what they’re doing, having as much insight into whatever little things they’re fulfilling- the little pieces of the whole larger piece. At the same time, you might have seen through the whole thing, but still you have to allow the team a learning process of that, and make them feel they arrived there by themselves, which is a very subtle operation. Even if you know it, if you spell it out and say, “Just do it!”
Without enthusiasm, if the team goes into it, the task will not succeed. So you still have to, even if you’ve seen it beforehand, you still have to give time for people to make their own discoveries, arrive at it, do a little bit of, you know, trial and error and everything though you know what to do. Because that’s important because if the team doesn’t get engaged like they are discovering something and doing something and making something new happen- you know it all, you won’t have a vibrant team.
There are some points, where there are chasms that you have to cross. There you don’t… Yesterday, a friend of mine was saying he does the military style of function. When there are deep chasms to cross, you take on as a military commander and just tell them, “Shut up and cross” because there if you allow everybody’s opinion and ideas to happen, most probably you will go in. so, this is subtle, I am sure every business person is doing this. There are times when you are letting the teams lead you and there are times when you take charge of everything and force it across certain points.
Likewise, here at ads we work with the same rule. We support and help one another to bring development on our daily basis. Ads! team encourage you to work vibrantly and with ease. Communication is one of the major factors for an effective team. Here at ads, the communication dwells up very effectively and precisely. I have worked here at ads for just a couple of month and everyone here feels like family. The team is very supportive and helpful if any problem bugs you. Ads Market is not just my work place but a family where I’ve learned to work in a team, be a part of something big, and most important of all, “Finding a family other than home.”