Tags: #Advertising In Nepal #Digital Marketing in Nepal #Facebook #facebook marketing #facebook.ads! #Social Media Marketing
Data shows that Fans click on Facebook ads nearly 3 times as much as non-Fans.
Yes, organic reach has declined. It’s not that big anymore.Don’t be in the impression that you have 10k, 50k, 100k likes on your page,your organic reach is still low regardless. It’s a paid media now and if you want your content to be seen you have to pay for it, There is no other way. We normally ask our clients to put at least Rs.500 budget for each post to get its initial boost.
We generate different promotion strategy for fans and non fans as when promoted to Fans instead of non-Fans, we get more out of money spent. At ads! everytime, social media sponsored ads were targeted to Fans outperformed those targeted only to non-Fans. They cost roughly the same per impression, but engagement metrics like cost-per-click and click-through rate shows just how much more valuable Fan targeting really is. While targeting some ads to non-Fans will always be necessary for expanding your audience, promoting engaging content to Fans remains the most valuable action.
At ads! we try to focus on creating more engaging contents to the fans and try to boost those contents to existing fans who wants to interact and create different contents to gain more fan base targeting to people who are not fans yet.
Content Marketing at ads! is purely focused on the objective of our clients on how they want their brands to be perceived by their fans. We are excited how the new trend of content marketing as grown. And how are able to target the fans and engage them to our clients pages everyday. So basically we need to focus on two things 1. Contents that generates engagement 2. Contents that generates new fanbase.
Follow @PrashrayaRatna
If you want to discuss your opportunity in digital marketing and how we can provide with the tools you need to stand out in digital front, remember we are just a phone call away. A chat with us costs nothing… Dial 014218069 and speak with our Business Development Managers.
Here is a short video by Jan Rezab-CEO at Socialbakers talking about targeting fans and non fans. have a look!