Tags: #Branding #Digital Marketing #Digital Marketing I #Digital Marketing Services #Digital Strategy #Facebook #facebook advertisement in Nepal #facebook.ads! #GODIGITAL #Marketing In Nepal
“Should we advertise on Facebook?” Probably the first question that any CEO would ask his/her manager. There is plenty of debate on whether or not it is effective. But considering the fact that Facebook has over 6Million users in Nepal alone with over 4.5 Million daily active users ; It is definitely a platform that every business, every brand should have presence in. Perhaps if you want to be left behind in the digital marketing game you may choose not to.
Instagram has over 4 Million users in Nepal and Twitter over 1Million and growing. They are the next social media platforms to focus on. But right now Facebook has most (8 Million). As a result of with Cost per impression (CPM) and Cost per Click (CPC) both are low on Facebook compared to other Social Media Sites. But being able to post contents for free, having low rates of CPC is not how you should consider if it’s worth the investment because it is money after all. Then how to know if it’s really worth it?
So answer this question first you must answer these questions:
1. What is your objective?
-Branding, Engagement, Sales Conversion or Reach ( How Many People Saw the content), Remarketing Or App Installs
2. What is your target audience?
-Demography that you want to reach to reach in terms of age, gender relationship status or education level etc.
After you answer these questions you know exactly what you want from Facebook. For example if you have an app released targeting people of 18- 35 years of age and now want to focus on app downloads. Then you can set a campaign to do just that. If you can get your app to be downloaded at the lowest cost per download from your target segment then you can actually say that;yes it was worth it.
At ads! We do consistently analyze objectives and target and generate content and ad strategy and branding strategy and create digital marketing strategy to meet the objectives at the lowest cost possible. And we make sure that it’s worth it for our valued clients.
If you are thinking weather it’s worth it or not then probably its time you give it a try. All you have to do is set your objective, realizes your target segment and create strategy and content accordingly. You can start with as low as Rs.999 as a trial to test if Facebook advertising is worth your investment.